Since my last entry, my upcoming release, Cut to the Chase has found its home on Amazon's pre-order page! Can I get a whoop, whoop! Thanks.
So of course I'm in full-throttle mode, writing book two in The Chase series and writing snippets down for the third installation (yep, there will be a third). Dealing with Christina, Nedra, Randi and Millie with their dating DOs and DON'Ts has sparked a flare in my thinking cap. And out of the blue a question pops into my ever racing mind.
Is dating a sport?
I know, I know. How can you compare the two? But think about it, how can you not?
In most instances, it's no longer, boy meets girl, dates girl and marries girl. It lingers a bit longer. More like boy meets girls, dates girls, dates girls, dates girls and oh yeah, dates girls. Or of course vice versa.
Now this is all fine and dandy if no one is seeking more than a mere date here and there. But what if more is wanted? What if marriage is the ultimate goal?
Well just like different sports activities can be exciting and rewarding, the game ends and only one team wins. As well with dating, is it a game?
When you realize you are in the game, the sweating begins. The nervousness of doing, saying, and being what you think the other person wants plays a part. Do you tweak who you are, what you do and what you really want? Do you settle for what is offered knowing the package is only a third of what you know you need?
The chasing. Do you show your aggression by running toward someone who may be running from you?
Then there are the muscles. You guessed it. The heart muscles are stretched, pinched and pulled in every which away. And just like a torn ligament, it takes time and relaxation from the activity which the heart so dearly yearns.
Dating may have you sitting on the sideline at times but just like any trained sport, every act starts in the mind so never forget to plan your plays.
So I question. Do you think dating is used in a sport like manner? Who can get the trophy? Who gets the win?
Just a thought
~Keshia Dawn
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